Lewistown Station.
Bridge over Jacks Creek, near Lewistown.
Near Kittaning Mountain.
Near Kittaning Point.
Canal at Lewistown.
Canal aqueduct near Lewistown.
View on Pa. C. R. R.
Canal at Lewistown.
View near upper Axe Factory, Lewistown Branch.
Altoona from Gospel Hill.
The iron bridge and ruins of the old mill, near Spruce Creek, Huntingdon Co.
The grave of John Harris, with the Susquehannah [sic] in the background.
View on the Pennsylvania Canal from Rockwell’s Station on the Pa. R. R., looking east.
View on the Pennsylvania Canal from Rockwell’s Station on the Pa. R. R., looking east.
Susquehannah [sic] Bridge from above.
The Susquehannah [sic] Bridge from above.
The Susquehannah [sic] Bridge from above.
Susquehannah [sic] Bridge, five miles above Harrisburgh [sic]. Length 7/8 mile.
Perspective view of the Susquehannah [sic] Bridge from above.
On the Susquehannah [sic], above the Northern Central Rail Road crossing.
Broad Top Mountain House.
A scene at Water Street, on the Juniata.
On the Juniata. The five fair ladies.
The Iron Bridge and ruins of Old Mill, near Spence Creek, Huntington Co.
The Iron Bridge and ruins of Old Mill, near Spence Creek, Huntington Co.
The Iron Bridge and ruins of Old Mill, near Spence Creek, Huntington Co.
The Iron Bridge and ruins of Old Mill, near Spence Creek, Huntington Co.
The Iron Bridge and ruins of Old Mill, near Spence Creek, Huntington Co.
A scene on a branch of the Juniata, Huntington [sic] Co.
Scene near Spruce Creek Station. Ruins of the old forge.