On Catawissa Island, Catawissa, Pa. [View along the banks of the river.]

Iron works at Danville, Pa.

Iron works at Danville, Pa.

Headwaters of the Schuylkill, Summit Station, Pa.

Base of Summit Hill, Quakake R.R., Pa.

From the pine forest at Summit Station.

Pine forrest [sic], Summit Station, Catawissa R.R.

Pine forrest [sic], Summit Station, Catawissa R.R.

Scenery of Pennsylvania: : Catawissa Railroad

Tunnel at Summit Station, Catawissa R.R.

Quakake [railroad] station.

Veiled Falls.

From Quakake. [View of railroad tracks.]

Sawyerman's Saw Mill.

Catawissa Creek. [Hand-colored view.]

Beaver Hollow. [Includes view of creek and farmland from above.]

Mine Gap Bridge.

Nescope's Mountain.

Mountain springs. [Man drinking from a canteen in the forest.]

Catawissa Creek, at Stranger Hollow.

Shuman. [Two men fishing off a dilapidated deck.]


Sayerman's Saw Mill, Catawissa Creek.

Fisher's Bridge; height, 124 ft.; length, 755 ft.

Stereoscopic views of Catawissa Creek, Pennsylvania.

Catawissa Island. [Rowboat on the Catawissa.]

Fry's Ford at Mine Gap.

Catawissa Creek. [Along the banks, under a bridge.]

McCauley Mountain, Catawissa Creek.

Shuman's Mill, Catawissa.