Baltimore openings.

Lehigh and Susquehanna R.R. cut, Solomon's Gap.

Lehigh Gap, south.

Heart of the glen. [Glen] Onoko.

Log jam, White Haven.

The gem of the valley.

Penn Haven planes.

View on Stony Creek.

Sugar Notch colliery.

Group of coal miners.

Burning mines: down the crater.

View from Mount Pisgah, south.

Mount Pisgah Plane. Length, 2341 feet, 664 feet high.

Wyoming Valley House, Wilkes-Barre.

View from East Mauch Chunk.

Mauch Chunk and Mount Pisgah.

Inclined planes.

Mauch Chunk gardens.

Burning mines.

View from top of Panther Creek Plane.

View from top of Panther Creek Plane.

Mount Jefferson Plane.

Mount Jefferson Plane.

Mount Jefferson Plane.

Mauch Chunk from foot of Mount Pisgah.

View of Mauch Chunk from Prospect Rock.

Residence of Hon. Asa Packer.

Mansion house.

Bird's-eye view of Mauch Chunk.

Looking down Mount Pisgah Plane.