New York, as viewed from the North River

Grace Church, Broadway [New York City]

The Hoboken Ferry

New York, as viewed from Brooklyn-Fulton Street Ferry

New York, as viewed from Brooklyn-Fulton Street Ferry

Camden & Amboy dock [New York]

View at the Battery [New York City]

The shipping [New York]

The shipping [New York]

Ferry boat

New York Harbor and ferry boat

Ferry from E. New York to 39th St., Bklyn [i.e. Brooklyn]

[Russian fleet in New York Harbor]

Astor's stores, New-York, N.Y.

Group at Cumberland, May, 1862

Taken on battlefield of Antietam Oct. 18 [...] 1.Geo. H. Bangs, 2. Wm. B. Moore, Private Secy of [...] 3. Allan Pinkerton, 4. John C. Babcock, 5. A. K. Littlefield

Contrabands on Mr. Foller's farm, Cumberland, May 14, 1862.

Castle Thunder, Richmond, on Carey, (i.e. Cary) from 19th street

Fugitive negroes fording Rappahannock

Ten Inch Columbiad, and Magazine Entrance, Sand Bag Revertment (i.e. revetment), Battery Dantzler, (Howlett's) on James River

Headquarters Gen'l Magruder, Yorktown

Libbey (i.e. Libby) Prison from Union Hotel, Richmond

Same gun and sling cart as shown in no. 1051, showing how the gun is slung under the cart

Same gun, as shown in no. 1015, with Hurdle Revertment (i.e. revetment) and Epaulement - unfinished battery

View on battle field of Antietam where Sumner's Corps charged the enemy. Scene of terrific conflict

Burnside Bridge, eastern view

Army guards Hdqtrs at Manassas

Laid out for burial at Antietam

Northeast view of Battery no. 1, at Farnhold's house, York River, mounting one 200 pound & five 100 pound rifled guns

Crew of Monitor, Hampton Roads, Va. 1862