[Old Cumberland County Courthouse clock and bell tower in Carlisle, Pennsylvania after a snow fall]

West College, Carlisle

Co. "A" 18th Regt Cap. Wood McKnight

Co. B & E, cook shed

Capt. H.D. Denny's tent

Co. H, 18th Regt., Cap. Barr

Co. H, 18th Regt.

[Encampment of soldiers standing by tents]

Co. "C" (Capt. McKibben) 18th Regt

Co. "F" [?] 18th Regt (Capt. Hull)

Headquarters of 18th regt, N.G.P. [i.e. National Guard of Pennsylvania]

[Group of guardsmen in uniform in front of a tent]

Co. C, 18th Regt. (Cap. McKibben)

Duquesne Greys

Art gallery, the Great Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, 1864

Relics and curiosities, the Great Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, 1864

Arms & relics, Dr. Kane's boat

No. 3, Horticultural Department, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, June, 1864

No. 9, Union vase, Great Central Fair, Phila[d]elphia, June, 1864

No. 2, Art gallery, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, June, 1864

Union Avenue, The Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, 1864

Penn Parlor, the Great Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, 1864

Agricultural Department, the Great Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, 1864

Department of Horticulture, Sanitary Fair, Phila. [i.e. Philadelphia], 1864

Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia

The picture gallery, Sanitary Fair, Phila. [i.e. Philadelphia]

Department of Arms & Trophies, Sanitary Fair, Phila. [i.e. Philadelphia], 1864

Sanitary Fair, Labor, Income & Revenue Dept.

No. 3, Horticultural Department, Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, June, 1864

Children Dept. [i.e. Department],