Parade in Avenue of Fame, G.A.R. [Grand Army of the Republic] encampment, Philadelphia.
New York Depot, 31st & Market Streets, Phila.
View of one of the publlic streets and squares in Phila.
View at the corner of 6th & Chestnut Sts., Phila, Penn.
Suspension bridge, Philadelphia.
Suspension bridge, Philadelphia.
Suspension bridge, Philadelphia.
View from Laurel Hill cemetery, Phila.
Market Street, west from 8th St., Philadelphia.
Military parade, Major-Gen. Wheeler, Peace Jubilee. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 27, 1898.
View Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Cleveland's delegation in colonial dress, Elks parade, Philadelphia, July 18, 1907.
Chestnut Street, above Fourth, north side, Philadelphia.
Chestnut Street bridge.
Market Street bridge, Philadelphia, Pa.
Market Street bridge.
Market Street bridge.
Market Street bridge.
Market Street bridge.
Chestnut Street, above Fourth, north side.
Chestnut Street, above Fourth, [south side].
Chestnut Street, above Fourth, south side.
Third Street, below Chesnut.
Boys' brigade, Philadelphia. Peace Jubilee.
Arch Street from Broad Street.
Industrial parade, Con. Centennial, Philadelphia, Pa., 1887.
Girard Avenue and Junction R.R. bridge.
Girard Avenue and Junc[tion] R.R. bridge.
Arch Street.
Chestnut Street bridge, Philadelphia, Penn.