Laurel Hill cemetery.
Soldier's home "mustered out," Philadelphia.
Gardel Memorial, Mt. Vernon cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa.
Mt. Vernon cemetery.
Entrance to Mount Vernon cemetery.
The old pump, Laurel Hill cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa.
View looking down the Schuylkill River from Laurel Hill cemetery near Philadelphia, Pa.
Spring at Laurel Hill, Philadelphia.
South Laurel Hill. March 1868.
Maple Avenue, Laurel Hill cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa.
Laurel Hill cemetery.
Broad Street, N. from City Hall, Philad'a, Pa.
City Hall and Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Twenty first and Green Sts., Philad'a.
18th St., south of Race.
Chestnut St., above 4th, Philad'a.
North Broad Street, Philada. (North of Girard Avenue.)
Market Street, Philadelphia. (West from 6th St.)
Broad and Oxford Streets, Philadelphia.
Arch Street, Philadelphia. (West from Broad St.)
Scenes in camp. 1st Brigade, Connecticut, N. G. [National Guard], Philadelphia.
Parade. Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Market St. East from Eighth. Philadelphia, Penn'a.
S. G. St. East from Twelfth. Philadelphia, Penn'a.
Spring Garden E. from Broad Street.
View of the streets.
The procession moving on Broad Street.
Girard Avenue bridge.
Peace Jubilee, Philadelphia. Court of Honor, illuminated.
Military parade, Con. Centennial, Philadelphia, Penn., 1887.