Custom House, Philadelphia.
Post Office, Philadelphia, Pa.
Court House. Public Ledger building.
Entrance to the Mint, Philadelphia, Pa.
Post Office.
Custom House, Philadelphia.
Custom House, Philadelphia.
Custom House, Philadelphia.
Custom House, Philadelphia.
U. S. Mint.
U. S. Mint.
U. S. Mint, Chestnut below Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
United States Mint.
United States Mint.
Art Gallery, Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia.
View of furniture, dishes and platters.
Hindu sculpture.
First Premium (Silver Medal) to Cornelius & Sons, for Gas Fixtures in the Franklin Institute Exhibition, 1874.
Horticultural department.
Art Gallery.
Art Gallery.
Coining press. Sanitary Fair, Phila.
The Penn parlor.
The large dining room.
Horticultural department.
Art Gallery.
Pomona [a bowl of fruit]. Contribution of Mr. J.E. Mitchel to Horticultural Exhibition, 1860.
Arabian stallion ("Jenifer")
Groom and horse "Belle" of Philadelphia
Groom and horse.