Baby's death, Swedish section, M.B. [Main building].
Scanc peasants, Swedish section, M.B. [Main building].
Baby's death, Swedish section, M.B. [Main building].
Scanc peasants, Swedish section, M.B. [Main building].
James Green and Nephew. (Glass and porcelain exhibition.)
James Green and Nephew. (Glass and porcelain exhibition.)
James Green and Nephew. (Glass and porcelain exhibition.)
Main building, from Machinery Hall.
Main building, West End.
Italian section, Main building.
Sculpture "Aurora."
Sculpture "St. Martin and the beggar."
Sculpture "Feint and tenderness."
Vestibule, Memorial Hall.
Vestibule, Memorial Hall.
Sculptural group "United States directing the onward course of America."
Sculptural group "United States directing the onward course of America."
Sculpture group "America," Art Gallery.
Sculpture group "America," Art Gallery.
Sculptural group "United States directing the onward course of America."
Sculptural group "United States directing the onward course of America."
Italian section, Main building.
Sculpture "Ophelia."
Sculpture "Ophelia."
Russian dept., Main building.
Italian section, Memorial Hall, Annex.
Italian section, Memorial Hall, Annex.
Italian section, Memorial Hall, Annex.
Sculpture "The water babies."
Sculpture "The water babies."