Shipping oil, McElhany's Farm.

Maple Shade wells. [Hand-colored view.]

Shipping oil, Story Farm.

Espy Bluffs.

Phil Sheridan [oil] tanks.

Phil Sheridan [oil] tanks.

Down from Cherry Run. [Oil derrick and bridge over the creek.]

Petroleum Centre. [View of U.S. Hotel and shops.]

Old Boyd House.

Paying toll at Petroleum Centre.

Creek at Farrel Farm.

Creek at Farrel Farm.

Bennehoff Run.

Bennehoff Run.

Hill at Turnkeyville. [Hand-colored view.]

Story Farm.

Going to Petroleum Centre.

Degree Oil Co.

100 ft. derricks.

Farrel Farm.

Farrel Farm.

View of two homes, couples standing out front.

McKinney Hotel, Pleasantville, Pa.

Mrs. Stewart's residence, Perry St., Titusville, Penn.

Old Boyd House and oil exchange.

Shipping oil, McElhany's Farm.

Filling shell with nitro-glycerine, preparatory to shooting the well, oil field in Penn'a., U.S.A.

Stereoscopic views of the oil region of Pennsylvania and New York.

Charging an oil well with nitroglycerine.

Standard Refinery, Pittsburgh, Pa.