International Yatcht Race, struggle between the "Columbia" and "Shamrock for the America's Cup, Oct. 1899.

The Harbor.

View near Purgatory, Newport, R.I.

Beach view.

Thames St. and A.J. Ward's.

Redwood Library.

State House.

J. Carter Brown's (Providence) Villa.

Nathan Mathew's (Boston) Villa.

Cliff Villas.

Baileys Beach.

Old Mill at the Glen.

R.I. Grist Mill, Middletown, R.I.

Torpedo Station.

Residence of Loring Andrews, Esq.


Rocks near Spouting Cave.

Newport Beach. General view.

Jewish Synagogue.

Old Stone Mill.

Negro Head.

Redwood Library.

Bull House. Built in 1639.

Front of the Casino.

Entrance to the Casino.

Trinity Church.

Old Stone Mill, Newport.

Old Stone Mill, Newport.

Purgatory, Newport.

Orist Mill, Newport.