Brigham Young's house, Salt Lake City.

Brigham Young's residence.

Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake house and Wasatch Mountains.

Eagle Gate, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Salt Lake City, Utah.

Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City.

Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City.

General view of Salt Lake City, Utah.

Girls' section of jubilee, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Salt Lake City. (The home of Brigham Young & family.)

Salt Lake City and Wasatch Mountains, Utah.

Tabernacle at Salt Lake City, Utah.

Salt Lake City, Utah.

Interior Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah.

New Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Salt Lake City, Utah, showing Mormon Tabernacle.

Salt Lake City, Utah, showing Mormon Tabernacle.

Mormon Tabernacle and grounds, Salt Lake City, Utah.

The Mormon Temple.

Colfax & Parts at Salt Lake City.

New Mormon Tabernacle.

Great Tabernacle, Salt Lake City.

Brigham Young's residence, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Theatre [under construction], Salt Lake City, Utah.

The pride of the Mormons, the Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Mormon Temple and Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Cascade & falls, Ogden Canon, Utah.

Ogden Canyon. (Over hanging rock.)

Ogden Canyon. (Old dam.)