Stone wall at Marie's [Marye's] Heights held by civil [Confederate] forces during Wilderness fight.

McCool's house, Wilderness battlefield.

Last residence of Gen. R. E. Lee - President's house at Washington and Lee University.

Culinary art in Camp, 43rd Reg. N.Y. Volunteers.

The Old Episcopal Church, in Alexandria, Va. of which, Gen'l. Washington was a member.

43rd Reg. of N.Y. Volunteers Camp Griffin, near Lewinsvile, Va.

Mailboat "City of Hudson," dispatch boat on James River, near Jones Landing.

Jones Landing, South side James River, looking down.

Fountain and North Cottage.

View of valley.

Drewry's Bluff, [showing steam launch and a young man with gun].

Court House, Williamsburg, Va.

Statue of Lord Botetourt.

Blanford Church, (built 1729).

View of Crater, showing entrance to bunker (?).

View of Crater, showing entrance to bunker (?).

Bancroft & Santee at Norfolk, Va.

Views on R. & Allegheny Railroad.

View of valley.

Mill St., Williamsburg.

Group at unidentified resort, including people in row boat, on dock, African American man holding horse.

Salt Pond Mountain, Va.

Picket guard, Lewinsville, Va. [or, Union pickets on guard.]

Washington's birthplace.

Garden behind the iron fence.

Confederate gun on James River.

South side bridge over Appamattox.

Chesapeake Hospital, Fortress Monroe, Va.

Fortress Monroe, Va.

Fortress Monroe: the gun yard.