Stone wall at Marie's [Marye's] Heights held by civil [Confederate] forces during Wilderness fight.
Photographer: Brown, G.O. (fl. 1860-1889)
Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
McCool's house, Wilderness battlefield.
Photographer: Brown, G.O. (fl. 1860-1889)
Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Last residence of Gen. R. E. Lee - President's house at Washington and Lee University. |
Culinary art in Camp, 43rd Reg. N.Y. Volunteers.
Photographer: Bierstadt Brothers
Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
The Old Episcopal Church, in Alexandria, Va. of which, Gen'l. Washington was a member.
Publisher: Bell & Bro.
Photographer: Bell & Bro. (Washington, D.C.) Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
43rd Reg. of N.Y. Volunteers Camp Griffin, near Lewinsvile, Va.
Photographer: Bierstadt Brothers
Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Mailboat "City of Hudson," dispatch boat on James River, near Jones Landing.
Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
No.: 2535 Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Jones Landing, South side James River, looking down.
Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
No.: 2536 Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Fountain and North Cottage.
Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
No.: 10194 Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
View of valley. |
Drewry's Bluff, [showing steam launch and a young man with gun]. |
Court House, Williamsburg, Va. |
Statue of Lord Botetourt.
Publisher: Anderson, David H.
Photographer: Anderson, D.H. (David H.) (b. 1827) Series: Views of Richmond and Vicinity, and Mountain Scenery of Virginia and West Va. Subjects: Virginia Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Blanford Church, (built 1729). |
View of Crater, showing entrance to bunker (?). |
View of Crater, showing entrance to bunker (?). |
Bancroft & Santee at Norfolk, Va. |
Views on R. & Allegheny Railroad. |
View of valley. |
Mill St., Williamsburg. |
Group at unidentified resort, including people in row boat, on dock, African American man holding horse. |
Salt Pond Mountain, Va. |
Picket guard, Lewinsville, Va. [or, Union pickets on guard.] |
Washington's birthplace. |
Garden behind the iron fence. |
Confederate gun on James River. |
South side bridge over Appamattox. |
Chesapeake Hospital, Fortress Monroe, Va. |
Fortress Monroe, Va. |
Fortress Monroe: the gun yard. |