Veazie's Point, Mt. Desert, Me.

The Spouting Horn, Mt. Desert, Me.

The Spouting Horn, Mt. Desert, Me.

Beach Hill Cliffs, Mt. Desert, Me.

Green Mountain Railway, Mt. Desert, Me.

Fall on Duck Brook, Mt. Desert, Me.

The Ovens, Mt. Desert, Me.

The Ovens, Mt. Desert, Me.

The Ovens, Mt. Desert, Me.

Chasm at Sch'r [Schooner] Head, Mt. Desert, Me.

Otter Cliffs, Mt. Desert, Me.

Great Head, Mt. Desert, Me.

Valley Cove, Somes' Sound.

View of the Peak Western, the second in height, looking west from "Excelsior" Peak.

Bald Porcupine cliffs.

The Sea Wall.

Anemone Cave.

The Cathedral [or, The Pass].

The Profile.

Sand Beach Mountain, South-West Harbor, Mt. Desert.

Bald Porcupine Island, (or Fremont's Island). Mt. Desert, Me.

Duck Brook.

The detached rock at Otter Cliffs.

The Pass.

Interior of the Spouting Horn. Sept. 2nd, 1872.

View at Schooner Head.

Eagle Lake, Mt. Desert, Me.

Bald Porcupine, Mt. Desert.

Green Mountain House.

Green Mountain House.