Parker House, Boston, Mass.

Boylston Hotel, Boston, Mass.

Tremont House, Boston.

Revere House.

Revere House, Boston.

Parker House.

Revere House, Boston.

Parker House, School St., Boston, Mass.

St. Cloud Hotel, Boston.

Revere House.

Norfolk House in the Boston Highlands.

Parker House, Boston.

Fire house at Fort Hill Square.

Boston, U.S. custom house.

City hospital, Boston, Mass.

City hospital.

U.S. court house, looking up.

City hospital, main building.

Custom house.

Post office, Boston.

Post office, Boston.

The custom house.

Post office square.

Hospital, Harrison Avenue, Boston, Mass.

Masssachusetts General Hospital.

Post office square.

Custom house, Boston.

New England hospital for woman and children.

Boston jail.

Mass.Gen' Hospital.