Art Gallery, Vassar College.

Art Gallery, Vassar College.

Art Gallery, Vassar College, with Apollo Belvedere.

Art Gallery, Vassar College.

Art Gallery, Vassar College.

Art Gallery, Vassar College.

Vassar College Museum, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Vassar College Museum, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Academy of Design, New York.

Academy of Design, N.Y.

Museum of Art, N.Y.

Barnum's Museum in ice. Fire 1868.

M. Knoedler & Co. (interior.)

M. Knoedler & Co. (interior.)

Edw. L. Henry's Studio (Interior.)

Edw. L. Henry's Studio.

Studio of Edward L. Henry?

Studio of Edward L. Henry?

Interior of Barnum's Roman Hippodrome.

Museum of Comparative Anatomy.

Museum of Comparative Zoology.

Museum of Fine Arts.

Fighting gladiator, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Art Museum.

Natural History Museum and Central Church.

Natural History building, Boston, Mass.

Boston Museum.

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

In picture gallery, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

In picture gallery, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.