View in Hudson River.

A View near Garrison's, West Point.

View near Garrison's, West Point.

Hudson River [view of a home].

Hudson River [Foote, Grant & Co. Wholesale Grocers].

Hudson River.

Pulpit Rock, Warwick, N.Y.

Ice Gorge at Bellvale, Orange Co., N.Y.

Burt's Dam covered with ice, Bellvale, Orange Co., N.Y.

Indian Falls.

Indian Falls.

Walking stick fall, Rockland Co., N.Y.

Falls of Melsingah, Fishkill, on the Hudson.

Butter Milk Falls, West Point, N.Y.

View from Indian Fall, looking down the stream.

View in the near Idlewilde.

Cozzens Station, Hudson.

Hudson River Rail road.

View from Breakneck Hill, looking South.

Hudson River.

Hudson R.R.

View on the Hudson River. Hudson R.R.

The Beach below Moodna, looking South.

Stone Bridge at Bellvale, Orange Co., N.Y.

Entrance to Highlands, Hudson River.

Entrance to Highlands, Hudson River.

View up the Hudson. Cozzen's Hotel, West Point.

View of the Hudson River, N.Y.

Horse Shoe Pond, Hudson River, N.Y.

View on the Hudson River.