Washingtons' Carriage of State, Great Centennial Parade, 1889.

White House on Wheels, Centennial Day, 1889.

The Army of Breadmakers coming, Great Centennial, 1889.

The Merry Highlanders, Great Centennial, 1889.

The Marines, U.S.N. Great Centennial, 1889.

Naval Parade, Centennial, April 28th, 1889.

Grand Review, Decoration Day, New York, U.S.A.

Grand Review, Decoration Day, New York, U.S.A.

Grand Review, Decoration Day, New York, U.S.A.

The Funeral of President Lincoln, New-York, April 25th, 1865.

Troops entering the Park from Tryon Row, July 4, 1860.

To the Right-Wheel.

Cavalry entering the Park from Tyron Row, July 4, 1860.

Street Parade, New York City.

Fruit column in Joneswood. German Thanksgiving Festival.

New York City.

ew York, Brdwy. Decoration Day Parade. The big building is Brooks Bros store cor. Bond St.

Lincoln's funeral procession on Broadway, New York.

Park Place, New York.

Laying the Nicolson pavement in Mercer St, New York.

View from corner of Chamber St., looking down.

Looking up Hudson St., from the corner of Chambers St.

The Junction of Chatham and Centre Sts., from Printing House Square.

The Junction of Chatham and Centre Sts., from Printing House Square.

The Junction of Chatham and Centre Sts., from Printing House Square.

The Junction of Chatham and Centre Sts., from Printing House Square.

South-Ferry, New York. Arrival and departure of omnibuses to all parts of the city.

Union Square looking north towards 4th Ave.

New York City and vicinity. [Street scene.]

N.Y. City and vicinity. [Posters advertising theaters, businesses on unidentified wall.]