Fortress Monroe, Duryea's [i.e. Duryée's] Zouaves

Duryea's [i.e. Duryée's] Zouaves

Duryea's [i.e. Duryée's] Zouaves at Fortress Monroe, Va.

Bridge at Hampton, Va., burned by the rebels on the arrival of Col. Duryee's 5th Regiment Zouaves at Camp Butler, near Fortress Monroe, Va.

Duryea's [i.e. Duryée's] Zouaves

Company E, 5th Regiment N.Y. Zouaves, Colonel Duryée, at Camp Butler, near Fortress Monroe, Va.

Hospital scene at Fortress Monroe, Va.

Fortress Monroe, Col. Duryea's [i.e. Duryée's] Zouaves

Camp scene at Fort Monroe

Wallack group

The Wallack group

Wallack family

Wallack family

The curiosity shop, Niagara

The Indian curiosity store and rapids

Luna Island in winter, Niagara

The American Falls, from the Museum, Canada

Niagara-winter view from the American side, with Goat Island in the distance

Niagara in winter from Point View

Niagara, Am[erican] Falls

Niagara in winter

American Falls, Niagara

Niagara-American Fall in winter

The American Falls from Luna Island, Niagara

Am[erican] Fall from Goat Island [Niagara]

Niagara in winter, American Fall from Luna Island

Niagara-Luna Island in winter

American Falls & Niagara River, Niagara

The American Falls in winter

The American Falls, Niagara