Digger Indian fandango hall, Knight's Ferry.

[...] Old Man of Spokane Falls. [General view of the falls.]

Spokane Falls from the north.

The north rapids, Spokane Falls.

Mill at Spokane Falls.

Spokane Falls from the north. [Showing mill and building under construction.]

Mill at Spokane Falls.

Officers' quarters, Ft. Missoula.

East entrance to Mullen Tunnel. [Men working at the entrance to the tunnel.]

Upper Falls of the Yellowstone.

Barronett's Rapids, Yellowstone River.

Bird's eye view of Fargo, Dakota.

Bismarck Bridge, Missouri River.

Tower Falls and canyon.

Tower Falls, near Yellowstone River.

Lower canyon of the Yellowstone.

[...] approach Mullen Tunnel. [Men working at entrance to Mullen Tunnel.]

Mullen Tunnel Grade east approach [showing log cabin at the bottom of grade.]

East from Mullen Tunnel Grade [showing log cabin below].

Northern Pacific Views

East from Mullen Tunnel Grade [coach on the road].

Great Falls of the Yellowstone, 360 feet.

Yellowstone and valley, between lake & falls.

Old Faithful's formation, upper basin. [Yellowstone National Park.]

Hell's Half Acre, middle geyser basin.

Gibbon Falls, Gibbon River.

Gibbon Canyon, Trout Rapids.

Boiling mineral springs, south basin.

South terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs.

Liberty Cap, extinct geyser cone.