Burial of dead at Fredericksburgh, Va.

Soldiers filling their water cart, Army of the Potomac, Va.

Michigan and Penn. Relief Association, at White House, Va. The gentle misses ministering to the soldiers.

Ruins of White House, York, [sic] River, Va.

A picturesque view of Belle Plain Landing, James River.

Gunboat Perry, on the James.

View of pontoon bridge over the James River.

The James River at City Point, Va.

The James River at City Point, Va.

The James River at City Point, Va.

Maj. Gen. Burnside and Brady the artist, head quarters Army of the Potomac, near Richmond, Va.

Lieut. Gen. Grant and chief of staff, Gen. Rawlins, at his head quarters, at Cold Harbor, Va. Taken June 14th, 1864.

Pontoon bridge on the Appomattox River, near Broadway landing, Va.

General Hospital Wharf, Army of the Potomac, City Point, Va.

Sand bag fortifications at Yorktown, Va.

Breastworks on the left wing, Battle of Gettysburgh.

Capt. Bollerman's kitchen. Tasting the soup.

Camp of the 71st N. Y. Vols.; cook house; soldiers getting dinner ready.

Tent life of the 31st Pennsylvania regiment.

Cemetery gate, Gettysburgh.

Cemetery gate, Gettysburgh.

Woods on the left wing, Battle of Gettysburgh.

Yorktown fortifications, a silenced gun.

One of the uses of "King Cotton;" Yorktown fortifications.

Fortifications near Yorktown, Va.

Water battery, at Yorktown, Va.

Great siege train, at Yorktown, Va.

Wagon train near Yorktown, Va.

View of Conaies Battery.

Camp at French's Bridge, near the Chickahominy, Va.