Music pavilion, Central Park, New York.

View of fountain and tents, Central Park, New York City.

View of fountain and tents, Central Park, New York City.

View of fountain and tents, Central Park, New York City.

Music day, Central Park. [Crowd at an event at the music pavilion.]

Saturday afternoon, Central Park. [Crowd at an event at the music pavilion.]

Music stand, Central Park.

The music pavilion.

The music stand, promenade, and mall in Central Park, N.Y.

Music pavilion.

Music pavilion.

Music pavilion.

Music pavilion.

Music stand, Central Park, N.Y.

Music stand, Central Park, N.Y.

Saturday afternoon. [Crowd at an event at the music pavilion.]

Saturday afternoon. [Crowd at an event at the music pavilion.]

Saturday afternoon. [Crowd at an event at the music pavilion.]

Music day in the park. [Crowd and coaches gather around music stand and tents.]

The musicians' pagoda.

View in Central Park, New York. Music temple. [Hand-colored view.]

Music stand, Central Park, N.Y. [Fountain in foreground.]

The music pavilion, Central Park.

The museum, Central Park, N.Y.

The museum, Central Park, N.Y.

The museum, Central Park, N.Y.

The museum, Central Park, N.Y.

Museum and menagerie in Central Park, New York.

Mount St. Vincent, entrance.

The art gallery [Mount St. Vincent].