Interior view of the Thirty-seventh Annual Exhibition of the American Institute, 1867 ...

Middle Falls of the Genesee, near Portage, N.Y.

Grand Canyon of the Genesee, near Portage, N.Y.

Upper Falls of the Genesee, near Portage, N.Y.

Ontario Beach, Charlotte, N.Y.

The Japanese Embassy in New York--scenes and incidents

Mt. Auburn cemetery--burial place of Longfellow, Cambridge, Mass.

A New Orleans Cemetery, La.

Chicago The Haymarket Square.

Market St., northeast from Powell St. during Labor Day parade, San Francisco, Cal.

Dancing pavilion, on stump of big tree

Father of the forest, Calaveras Grove, Cal.

Moss tree, Montgomery Ala.

[USS Oregon at Portland, Oregon]

Picking cotton near Montgomery, Alabama

[Unidentified view of a harbor and railroad]

Globe reflection, Fort William Henry Hotel, Lake George

Giving the children their suppers

[Two Negroes leaning over a log]

Rue de Rivoli et hôtel du Louvre

Place des Victoires (Statue de Louis XIV)

Colonne Vendome

Boulevard des Italiens

Le nouvel Opera

Le Pont-Neuf, vu du quai des Grands Augustins

Park 15th of November; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America

Rio de Janeiro's 5 mile quay, encircling world's largest land-locked bay

Central Ave., "the $11,000,000 boulevard", north to bay, Rio de Janeiro, S.A.

View of a city built on a dozen hills, from Mt. Castello, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, So. Am.

Avenida Rio Branco from Hotel Avenida on a holiday, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, So. Am.