Horse Shoe Fall, from Goat Island.

Ice bridge and American Falls, Niagara.

The great ice mountain. Niagara.

Horseshoe Falls.

Above the falls. Instantaneous.

Above the falls. Instantaneous.

Ice work.

View from Tower Bridge, winter of '75.

Prospect Park.

New suspension bridge.

American and Horse Shoe Falls.

American and Horse Shoe Falls.

American and Horse Shoe Falls.

Horse Shoe Fall from staircase, Niagara.

Bridge to Goat Island.

Path to the Cave of the Winds, Niagara.

Path to Cave of the Winds, Niagara.

View of rapids.

View of falls and building.

Tourist at falls, Terrapin Tower in background.

Tourists on bank of Niagara River.

View of ferry stairs.

Suspension bridge, interior.

View of Horseshoe Falls and Terrapin Tower.

View of falls and Terrapin Tower.

Niagara River, with trees.

View of Horseshoe Falls from Canada.

Man standing near top of Horseshoe Falls.

Man standing near top of Horseshoe Falls.

View of Horseshoe Fall.