New Suspension Bridge, Niagara.

Fountain in Prospect Park, Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Sleigh ride in Prospect Park.

Niagara, Horse Shoe Fall.

[...] Table Rock, Niagara Falls.

Horse Shoe Fall, Sister Islands and rapids.

Niagara, first glimpse of falls, from Canada Southern Railway.

Sister Islands [Niagara Falls].

Niagara, Horse Shoe Fall.

Niagara, Horse Shoe Fall from Goat Island.

Niagara, Horse Shoe Falls.

Niagara, Horse Shoe Falls.

Niagara, first glimpse of falls, from Canada Southern Railway.

Niagara, Railway Suspension Bridge.

Whirlpool Rapids elevator [Niagara].

Niagara River below the falls.

Clifton House, Niagara.

Suspension Bridge tower.

Ice foliage, Luna Island, Niagara.

Niagara in winter.

Niagara [Suspension] Bridge.

Horse Shoe Falls, Niagara.

Ice scenery under Horse Shoe Falls, Niagara.

Whirlpool Rapids, Niagara.

Winter scene, at Niagara.

Gems of Niagara. [Winter view of Niagara Falls.]

Winter view, Niagara.

Sunshine and shadow, Luna Island, Niagara Falls, U.S.A.

View at Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Winter sporting on the ice mountain, Niagara Falls, U.S.A.