Washington monument, in the Capitol grounds, Richmond, Va. The statues around the centre base are those of Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson & Mason

Arsenal grounds, Richmond, Va., showing ruins and shot and shell scattered around

Arsenal grounds, Richmond, Va., showing ruins and shot and shell scattered around

View from the Petersburgh [i.e. Petersburg] railroad Depot, Richmond, Va., looking south-west, showing a portion of the burnt district, and Gamble Hill in the distance

Ruins of the burnt district, from the canal basin, Richmond, Va., looking east

View in the arsenal grounds, Richmond, Va., showing all kinds of fixed ammunition, and a portion of the Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg) Railroad Bridge

St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va.

Belle Island, James River

[View of Richmond, Va., at the close of the rebellion]

Slave Pen, Alexandria, Va.

Slave Pen, Alexandria, Va.

Slave Pen, Alexandria, Va.

Libby Prison, Richmond, Va.

View of the Lynchburgh (i.e. Lynchburg) Canal, and the ruins of the Danville railroad depot, Richmond, Va.

The U.S. Arsenal, at Washington, D.C.

Mystic Lake, near Fort Ellis, Montana.

Nez Perce Indians, Montana.

Nez Perce Indians, Montana.

Ancient ruins on the McElmo, Utah. The traditionary butte

Ogden Canon, Utah.

Snake River Bridge

Pot holes in Basalt, Snake River.

Hydraulic gold mining, Virginia City.

Chinamen sluicing.


Mystic Lake, near Fort Ellis, Montana.

Beaver dam on Henry's Fork

Devil's Gate on the Sweetwater.

Devil's Gate on the Sweetwater

Eroded rocks monument park.