Niagara, The Whirlpool Rapids on line of N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R..

Bridge to Third Sister Island, winter.

Rapids above the Sister Islands, moonlight, Niagara.

Rapids from the Cataract House, Niagara.

Niagara, the rapids from the Cataract House.

Rapids over the Falls.

Rapids and Cataract House, Niagara.

Rapids and Cataract House, Niagara.

Prospect Point, Niagara. On line of N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R..

Niagara, Prospect Point. On line of N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R..

Niagara, Prospect Point. On line of N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R..

Niagara, Prospect Park.

Prospect Point, Niagara.

Prospect Point in the New Park, Niagara.

Prospect Point in the New Park.

Prospect Point in the New Park.

Prospect Point in the New Park, Niagara.

Prospect Point in the New Park, Niagara.

Prospect Point in the New Park, Niagara.

Prospect Point in the New Park, Niagara.

Prospect Point in the New Park, Niagara.

Niagara, Prospect Point in the park.

Niagara, Prospect Point. On line of New York Central & Hudson River R. R..

Rapids and Whirlpool.

Interior, Suspension Bridge.

Terrapin Tower.

Suspension Bridge over Niagara River.

Suspension Bridge.

Rapids and Whirlpool, Niagara.

Rapids and Whirlpool, Niagara.