Hermit's Grotto, Bitter Creek Valley

Sherman Vale

Giant's Club, Green River

Teapot Rock, Green River

Water washed Caves of the Fairies, Point of Rocks

Shadow Lake, Uintas

Shadow Lake, Uintas

Red Buttes, near Red Buttes Station

Bitter Creek Valley, near Green River

Hanging Rock, mouth of Echo Canon

Rocky Way near Wahsatch, Echo Canon

Looking down the Weber, from Echo City

Mormon village, on line of railroad, Echo Canon

Deep Cut, No. 1. West of Wilhelmina Pass, Weber Canon

Hill's Cut, Green River

Caves of the Mountains, Black Buttes

Wilhelmina Pass, from the east

Approach to Narrows, Weber Canon

Graders' cabins, Echo Canon

S.B. Reed and Capt. Davis at engineer's office

On the mountains of Green River

Deep Cut, Bitter Creek, near Green River

Cut and fill, No. 3, west of Granite Canon

Devil's Gate, Weber Canon. Rocks 2000 feet high

Cut No. 5, near Red Buttes, Miller & Patterson's work

Tunnel No. 2, head of Echo Canon

Weber Canon, below Devil's Gate

Echo Station, head of Echo Canon

Source of the Laramie River

Butte Rock, near Sherman Station