Bringing in the wounded

Confederate dead on the battlefield

Unburied dead on battlefield

Unburied dead on battlefield

Collecting remains of the dead

A rebel soldier, killed in the trenches before Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg) [...]

[Dead soldiers lying side by side in a field]

[Confederate dead gathered for burial at the southwestern edge of the Rose woods, Gettysburg, Pa., July 5, 1863]

Soldiers' graves near the General Hospital, City Point, Va.

On the battlefield at Gettysburg

Union (i.e. Confederate) dead at Gettysburg

The slaughter pen at Gettysburg

Rebel soldier, killed in the trenches of Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers "Fort Damnation"

A dead rebel soldier, barefooted, killed by a shell, which tore his side out. The entrails are portruding from his side

A dead rebel soldier, inside the Union picket lines

This view was taken in the trenches of the rebel Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers "Fort Damnation," the morning after the storming of Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va., April 2d, 1865 [...]

This view was taken in the rebel trenches, the morning after the storming of Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va., April 2d, 1865 [...]

A dead rebel soldier, as he lay in the trenches of Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers, "Fort Damnation" [...]

A dead rebel soldier, as he lay in the trenches of Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers "Fort Damnation"

A dead rebel soldier, as he lay in the trenches of "Fort Hell"

C.S. soldier killed by a shell in the trenches of "Fort Hell" (i.e. "Fort Damnation")

A dead rebel soldier, as he lay in the trenches of "Fort Hell"

C.S. soldier killed in the trenches at the storming of Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va., April. The marks and spots on his face are blood issuing from his mouth and nose. The wound is in the head, caused by a fragment of shell

Where General McPherson was killed

Where General McPherson was killed

On the battlefield at Stone River

On the battlefield at Stone River

Soldiers' graves, Bull Run Battlefield, Va.

View on the top of Lookout Mountain, Tenn.

Battlefield Hotel, the outer post of sharp shooters