The U.S. Capitol.

The U.S. Capitol.

The U.S. Capitol.

U.S. Capitol.

The U.S. Capitol.

The U.S. Capitol.

The U.S. Capitol.

The U.S. Capitol.

The U.S. Capitol.

The U.S. Capitol.

The U.S. Capitol.

The U.S. Capitol.

The U.S. Capitol.

United States Capitol.

U.S. Capitol.

West Capitol Ground.

The West Capitol Ground.

The West Capitol Ground.

The U.S. Capitol.

Pennsylvania Avenue and U.S. Capitol.

Pennsylvania Avenue and U.S. Capitol.

Pennsylvania Avenue and U.S. Capitol.

Pennsylvania Avenue and U.S. Capitol.

Pennsylvania Avenue and U.S. Capitol.

Penna. Avenue and U.S. Capitol.

Penna. Avenue and U.S. Capitol.

Pennsylvania Avenue and U.S. Capitol.

Penna. Avenue and U.S. Capitol.

Penna. Avenue and U.S. Capitol.

Rustic Bridge, Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C..