Union Hall, Saratoga.

The Young chess players at Saratoga.

High Rock Spring, Saratoga.

Grand Stand.


Group at Palestine Park, Round Lake.

The Spring.

Round Lake Hotel.

Boat landing.

View from Cupola of Hotel.

Palestine Park. View from Bethlehem, looking north.

Palestine Park, Mt. Carmel, from Mountains of Gallilee.

Palestine Park. Waters of Marom and sea of Galillee.

Palestine Park. View from Nazareth, looking S. East.

Palestine Park. Dead Sea, fron N.East.

Palestine Park. Jordan Valley, looking north-west.

Palestine Park. Dead Sea, from the South.

Palestine Park.

Fountain Park.

Palestine Park.

Fountain Park.

View of the cottages at Round Lake.

Grounds at Round Lake.

Grounds at Round Lake.

Steamboat 'Ordelia' at the Lake.

Grounds at Round Lake.

Lake View.

Lake View.

Lake View.

Group at the Fountain.