Entrance to Buffalo harbor, taken from the ice outside.
Tug and vessel in the ice, May 1869.
Fort Sumter, south side, Morris Island
Subjects: Lighthouses,
South Carolina,
Forts & Fortifications,
United States,
Civil War,
Military Facilities,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Cape Flattery - light house on Tatoosh Island, 1st order fixed light, 162 feet above sea level
Cape Disappointment-Light House (mouth of Columbia River,) 1st order fixed light, 232 feet above sea level, and fog bell
Point Reyes-Light House, looking west
Point Reyes-Light House, looking west
Thacher's Island lights--north tower
Thacher's Island lights--south tower
Foundation screw for light house
View of the S.W. Pass Lighthouse in April 1867
South Light and Bluffs, looking North East.
South Light and Bluffs, looking North East.
Lake light house, Erie, Pa.
Tug and vessel in the ice, May 1869.
Entrance to Buffalo harbor, taken from the ice outside.
Light House on Constitution Point, W.P.
Light House on White Island.
Light House on White Island.
Light House on White Island.