Tombeau de S.M. l'Empereur Napoleon 1
Zero milestone and south portico of the White House, Washington, D.C.
Broadway, N.Y. from 18th St.
Father of the forest, Calaveras Grove, Cal.
Fort Sumter (i.e. Sumner), near Fair Oaks, June 1862. A sharp fight occurred at this place within five minutes after this photograph was made. Cannoneers are hurrying to the guns as alarm is sounding
Subjects: Soldiers ,
Union ,
Virginia ,
Fair Oaks ,
Artillery (Weaponry) ,
Campaigns & Battles ,
Peninsular Campaign ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Personnel ,
Equipment & Supplies ,
Gelatin Silver Prints ,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
[Dead Confederate soldier in the trenches of Fort Mahone, Petersburg, Virginia]
Publisher: Roche, T.C.
Subjects: War Casualties ,
Virginia ,
Petersburg ,
Trench Warfare ,
Forts & Fortifications ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Casualties ,
Confederate ,
Military Facilities ,
Petersburg (Va.) ,
Siege ,
Albumen Prints ,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
The Bow Bridge [Central Park]
Winter Garden & B'way [New York City]
Publisher: Stacy, George
Subjects: Commercial Streets ,
New York (State) ,
New York ,
Hotels ,
Theaters ,
City & Town Life ,
Broadway (New York ,
N.Y.) ,
Albumen Prints ,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Columbia College Law School [New York]
Ruins of the Arsenal, Richmond
Agricultural Department, the Great Sanitary Fair, Philadelphia, 1864
Fugitive negroes fording Rappahannock
Publisher: Gardner, Alexander
Subjects: Soldiers ,
Union ,
Virginia ,
Carts & Wagons ,
Fords (Stream Crossings) ,
African Americans ,
Fugitive Slaves ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Transportation ,
Military Personnel ,
Rappahannock River (Va.) ,
Albumen Prints ,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Contrabands on Mr. Foller's farm, Cumberland, May 14, 1862.
Publisher: Gibson, James F.
Subjects: United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Refugees ,
Virginia ,
African Americans ,
Fugitive Slaves ,
Albumen Prints ,
Hand-colored ,
Group Portraits ,
Portrait Photographs
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Taken on battlefield of Antietam Oct. 18 [...] 1.Geo. H. Bangs, 2. Wm. B. Moore, Private Secy of [...] 3. Allan Pinkerton, 4. John C. Babcock, 5. A. K. Littlefield
Publisher: Gardner, Alexander
Subjects: Bangs ,
George H. ,
Pinkerton ,
Allan ,
Babcock ,
John C. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Covert Operations ,
Union ,
Secret Service ,
Maryland ,
Antietam ,
Albumen Prints ,
Hand-colored ,
Group Portraits ,
Portrait Photographs ,
Bangs ,
George H
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Crew of Monitor, Hampton Roads, Va. 1862
Publisher: Gibson, James F.
Subjects: Monitor (Ironclad) ,
People ,
Virginia ,
Hampton Roads ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Personnel ,
Union ,
Naval Operations ,
Armored Vessels ,
Soldiers ,
Albumen Prints ,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Northeast view of Battery no. 1, at Farnhold's house, York River, mounting one 200 pound & five 100 pound rifled guns
Publisher: Gibson, James F.
Subjects: United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Personnel ,
Military Facilities ,
Equipment & Supplies ,
Cannons ,
Virginia ,
Soldiers ,
Forts & Fortifications ,
Batteries (Weaponry) ,
Albumen Prints ,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Laid out for burial at Antietam
Publisher: Gardner, Alexander
Subjects: Antietam ,
Battle Of ,
Md. ,
War Casualties ,
Maryland ,
Antietam ,
Soldiers ,
Confederate ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Battlefields ,
Casualties ,
Albumen Prints ,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Army guards Hdqtrs at Manassas
Publisher: O'sullivan, Timothy H.
Subjects: Tents ,
Virginia ,
Manassas ,
Soldiers ,
Unions ,
Covered Wagons ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Facilities ,
Union ,
Military Personnel ,
Transportation ,
Albumen Prints ,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Burnside Bridge, eastern view
Subjects: Stone Bridges ,
Maryland ,
Soldiers ,
Union ,
Rivers ,
Antietam ,
Battle Of ,
Md. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Transportation ,
Antietam ,
Military Personnel ,
Antietam Creek (Pa. And Md.) ,
Albumen Prints ,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
View on battle field of Antietam where Sumner's Corps charged the enemy. Scene of terrific conflict
Publisher: Gardner, Alexander
Subjects: Antietam ,
Battle Of ,
Md. ,
War Damage ,
Maryland ,
Antietam ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Casualties ,
Battlefields ,
Albumen Prints ,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Close-up view of the California poppy, Eschocholtzia californica
A closer view permits us to peak into the very depths of the flowers of the Convolvulus or "Morning Glory"
Interior of one of the finest houses in Santiago de Cuba
[Zieber family outside their Philadelphia home at Broad and Girard Ave.]
Subjects: Zieber ,
William ,
Family ,
Families ,
Pennsylvania ,
Philadelphia ,
Group Portraits ,
Portrait Photographs ,
Hand-colored ,
Zieber ,
William B
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews