Taken on battlefield of Antietam Oct. 18 [...] 1.Geo. H. Bangs, 2. Wm. B. Moore, Private Secy of [...] 3. Allan Pinkerton, 4. John C. Babcock, 5. A. K. Littlefield
Publisher: Gardner, Alexander
Subjects: Bangs ,
George H. ,
Pinkerton ,
Allan ,
Babcock ,
John C. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Covert Operations ,
Union ,
Secret Service ,
Maryland ,
Antietam ,
Albumen Prints ,
Hand-colored ,
Group Portraits ,
Portrait Photographs ,
Bangs ,
George H
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Ft. Sanders, Knoxville, Tenn., showing saliant assaulted by Longstreets forces, Novr. 29th 1863
Publisher: Barnard, George N.
Subjects: Babcock ,
Orville Elias ,
Poe ,
O.M. ,
(Orlando Metcalfe) ,
Engineers ,
War Damage ,
Tennessee ,
Knoxville ,
Forts & Fortifications ,
Fort Sanders (Knoxville ,
Tenn.) ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Personnel ,
Union ,
Military Facilities ,
Confederate ,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews