U.S. Capitol

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The U.S. Capitol.

Publisher: Rodgers & Co.
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The Magnificent Capital, Washington D.C.

Series: World Series
No.: 1
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The Dazzling Dome of the Capitol on a Rainy Night. Washington D.C.

Publisher: Keystone View Co.
No.: 32229
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The U.S. Capitol

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.

Publisher: North-Western View Co.
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Pennsylvania Avenue and Capitol.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Bird's Eye view, Agriculture, Smithsonian, and Capitol.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
No.: 86
Subjects: Smithsonian, Agriculture Department, Washington D.C., U.S. Capitol
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The U.S. Capitol.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

U.S. Capitol.

Publisher: Bell & Bro.
Photographer: Bell & Bro. (Washington, D.C.)
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Penna. Avenne and U.S. Capitol.

Publisher: Bell & Bro.
Photographer: Bell & Bro. (Washington, D.C.)
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Winter, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)