Blasting ice with dynamite from in front of steamer on the ways.

The Grand Central Hotel at Hope, D.T. [Dakota Territory], the end of the Manatoba [Manitoba] west branch in August 1882. About 70 miles from Larimore south-west.

Sioux Falls showing American flag flying over street, building identified as Cataract House.

Landing of the Villard and Rufus Hatch party at Bismarck, D.T. [Dakota Territory], Sept. 5/83.

At Vermillion, Dakota. Old channel of Mo. [Missouri] River and Nebraska in the distance.

At Vemillion Nebraska in the distance also the Mo. [Missouri] River. Vermillion runs between the two houses.

G.A.R. [Grand Army of the Republic] reunion at Yankton, Sept. 9-11, 1884.

Distant view, Fort Lincoln. [Showing a buffalo skull on the prairie in foreground.]