Globe reflection, Fort William Henry Hotel, Lake George
Publisher: Irish, George S.
Subjects: Irish,
(George S.),
New York (State),
Lake George,
Fort William Henry Hotel (Lake George,
Albumen Prints,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
On the beach, Avalon Bay, Catalina Island, California, U.S.A.
"Picking cotton in the sunny south, Georgia, U.S.A."
Coaling U.S. battleships at St. Thomas, West Indies
General view of the wrecked battleship, MAINE, Havana Harbor, Cuba
Photographing New York City - on a slender support 18 stories above pavement of Fifth Avenue
"And then the fairies went to bed"
President McKinley visiting Major Gen'l Wheeler in his tent, Camp Wikoff, Montauck Pt., N.Y.
And speedily the punishment fits the crime
Forging steel into plowshares, plant of Parlin & Orndorf Co., Canton, Ill.
A fine piece of Indian basketry, and little Indian girl, Albuquerque, N.M.
The Masked Kachinas (Hopi Indian "Rain-makers"), Village of Shonghopavi, Arizona
Siwash [i.e., Salishan] Indian woman digging clams
Siwash [i.e., Salishan] Indian family, Washington
Siwash [i.e., Salishan] Indian women in war canoe
Walpi - 600 ft. above the plain - a chief "pueblo" of the mysterious Moki race (cliff dwellers), Arizona
Chief of the Kachina Dance at the Moki (Cliff Dwellers) Village of Sichomovi, Arizona
Terrace Homes of Hopi Indians - street scene in Oraibi, Hopi Reservation, Arizona
Chief of the religious Snake Dancers at Walpi - the mysterious Cliff Dwellers of Arizona
Laguna Indians [women] removing bread from primitive oven, New Mexico
Navajo Blanket Weaving - an Indian Hogan (hut), on the Navajo Reservation, Arizona
Adeline [i.e., Angeline?] Princess of Seattle, Wash., 100 years old