Nevada Fall, (700 feet high) and Cap of Liberty, from the New Trail

Nevada Fall, (700 feet high) from trail, after snow storm in July

Huching's [Hutchings'] Hotel, and Sentinel Rock, Yo Semite Valley

Cloud's Rest, (6450 feet above valley) from Cap of Liberty

Mt. Starr King, (5600 feet above valley) from Cap of Liberty

South Dome, (6000 feet above valley) from Cap of Liberty

Rainbow in the canyon, below Vernal Fall, Yo Semite Valley

Cloud's Rest (6450 feet above valley) from Nevada Fall Trail

The Yo-Semite Valley, (4060 feet above sea) from Mariposa Trail

The Yo-Semite Valley, (4060 feet above sea) from Mariposa Trail

Yo-Semite Valley, from Mariposa Trail, after snow storm in June

Mt. Starr King and South Dome, from Buena Vista Peak

The Yo-Semite Valley, (4060 feet above sea) from Mariposa Trail

The Sierra Nevada Mountains, looking south, from Buena Vista Peak

Mt. Clark, and the Sierra Nevada Mountains, from Buena Vista Peak

Mt. Clark, and the Sierra Nevada Mountains, from Buena Vista Peak

The Sierra Nevada Mountains, from Buena Vista Peak, looking southerly

The Sierra Nevada Mountains, from Buena Vista Peak, looking southerly