Crater of Periodical Hot Lake and Leaf Formation in Limestone Series. Crater. First View

Crater of Periodical Hot Lake and Leaf Formation in Limestone Series. Crater. Second View

Crater of Periodical Hot Lake and Leaf Formation in Limestone Series. Crater. Third View

Crater of Periodical Hot Lake and Leaf Formation in Limestone Series. Crater. Fourth View

Crater of Periodical Hot Lake and Leaf Formation in Limestone Series. Leaf Form in Limestone. First View

Crater of Periodical Hot Lake and Leaf Formation in Limestone Series. Leaf Form in Limestone. Second View

Mammoth Hot Springs Series. General View of Upper Basins

Mammoth Hot Springs Series. Lone Tree Basins

Mammoth Hot Springs Series. Lone Tree Basins

Mammoth Hot Springs Series. Basket Basins

Mammoth Hot Springs Series. Diana's Baths

Mammoth Hot Springs Series. Diana's Baths

Mammoth Hot Springs Series. Upper Basins

Mammoth Hot Springs Series. Upper Basins

The Magic Spring and Fissured Ridge Series. Magic Spring and Devil's Backbone

Gardiner's River Series. Falls N. Fork, 150 ft. high, from below

Gardiner's river Series. Falls N. Fork, 150 ft. high, from above showing snowy mts. at head of Gallatin River

Gardiner's River Series. Looking through Palisades on N. Fork

Mammoth Hot Springs Series. Central Basins

Mammoth Hot Springs Series. Central Basins

Mammoth Hot Springs Series. General View of Upper Basins

Mammoth Hot Springs Series. General View of Upper Basins

Tower Creek series. Tower Fall, 156 ft. high from below

Tower Creek series. Tower Fall, 156 ft. high from above