Rocks in Echo Canon [Canyon].
Tunnel No. 2, Echo Cañon, U.P.R.R. [Union Pacific Railroad].
Temple Block, from top of Co-op. store, showing Temple, Tabernacle and Assembly Hall.
Central part of Salt Lake City.
Organ in Tabernacle, 50 feet high. Contains 3000 pipes.
East side East Temple Street.
Gardo House, residence of President John Taylor, sometimes called the Amelia Palace.
New residence of President B. Young.
General view of Temple Block, Salt Lake City.
Bee Hive [Beehive] House, and Eagle Gate, Salt Lake City.
Exterior of Parent Co-operative Store, Salt Lake City.
View of City and Wasatch Mountains, from new residence of the late President B. Young.
Gardo House, residence of President John Taylor, sometimes called the Amelia Palace.
City Hall and Wasatch Mountains.
Wahsatch [Wasatch] Mountains from the University.
Scene on East Temple Street.
Scene of East Temple Street.
City Creek Aqueduct, Salt Lake City.
Salt Lake City from Camp Douglas.
Central part of Salt Lake City.
Central part of Salt Lake City.
East side Salt Lake City.
East side of Salt Lake City, from Arsenal Hill, looking south-east. Wahsatch [Wasatch] Range of mountains in the distance.
St. Marks Cathedral, (Episcopal,) Salt Lake City.
Central part of Salt Lake City.
Tabernacle, 250 feet long, 150 feet wide, 80 feet high.
Tabernacle, 250 feet long, 150 feet wide, 80 feet high.
Grand organ in new tabernacle.
Mormon Tabernacle, 250 feet long, 150 feet wide, 80 feet high, will seat 12,000 persons, Salt Lake City.