Mach[inery] Hall, N. Avenue from E. End.
Mach[inery] Hall, N. Avenue from E. End.
Mach[inery] Hall, N. Avenue from E. End.
Mach[inery] Hall, N. Avenue from E. End.
Mem[oria]l Hall, Annex. Netherlands Dept.
Mem[oria]l Hall, Annex. Netherlands Dept.
Lake, from Mach[inery] Hall.
Light house, U.S. Gov't building.
War canoe and models, U.S. Gov't building.
War canoe and models, U.S. Gov't building.
Main building, north entrance.
War canoe and models, U.S. Gov't building.
Main building, north entrance.
U.S. Gov't building from W. End.
U.S. Gov't building from W. End.
U.S. Gov't building from W. End.
Brazilian cotton exhibit, Agri[cultural] Hall.
Brazilian cotton exhibit, Agri[cultural] Hall.
Horti[cultural] Hall, from W. gallery.
Horti[cultural] Hall, from W. end.
Horti[cultural] Hall, from W. gallery.
Horti[cultural] Hall, from W. gallery.
Horticultural Hall, from E. gallery.
Horti[cultural] Hall, from W. end.
Horti[cultural] Hall, from E. gallery.