The Rectory. [Showing a group of adults and children on the porch of "Rectory"]
Spinning room, Cotton mill, Langley, S.C.
Spinning room, Cotton mill, Langley, S.C.
Spinning room, Cotton mill, Langley, S.C.
View of Mrs. Glover's residence, Greenville, S.C.
View of Mrs. Beatties' residence, Greenville, S.C.
Rice field, South Carolina.
View of a small house with family on porch.
View of a large house with civil and military personnel on porches.
General view of Rocky Point from Steamer Oceanview.
Rock Cottage, Rocky Point , R.I.
Rock Cottage, Rocky Point, R.I.
Group at the entrance of Cave.
Carousel, Rocky Point, R.I.
The Tower, Rocky Point, R.I.
Boat & Bath Houses, Rocky Point, R.I.
Vendor with a cart, Rocky Point , R.I.
Black Bear, Rocky Point, R.I.
Clam Bake, Rocky Point, R.I.
Flyg horses at Rcky Pt. R.I. [carousel].
Inclined Railway, Rocky Point, R.I.
People working in front of Ladies' Reception Hall?