North West Corner, East Water and Wisconsin Sts.
Mitchell Residence and Fountain.
Elevator A. C.M. & St. P.R.R.
Dry Dock in Davidson's Ship Yard.
View in Wolf & Davidson's Ship Yard.
West from Mitchell Block.
Southwest from Mitchell Block.
Towards South Point from Mitchell Block.
South Front of the Court House.
Ph. Best & Co's South side Brewery.
Down the River, from Oneida St. Bridge.
Up Milwaukee River from Walker's Point Bridge.
Fountain Park, Prospect Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
Soldiers' Home and Grounds, Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A.
["Barque "Parana" shrouded in ice, Mar. 6, 1873.]
South-East corner East Water & Washington Sts. - Iron Block.
St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum.
Life Saving Canvas Chute, Milwaukee Carnival, 1898.
Residence of Chas. Ray, 88 Prospect Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
Residence of Chas. Ray, 88 Prospect Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
Goldsmith & Co., Broadway.