The Capitol, Washington D.C.

Publisher: Moulton, J.W. & J.S.
Series: American Scenery
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C., People
Collection: User Contributed (Farar Elliott)
Location Map

East Capitol Square.

Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
Series: Views in Washington City, D.C.
No.: 6458
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Farar Elliott)
Location Map

East Front of the Capitol.

Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
Series: Washington City Views.
No.: 1294
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Construction, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Farar Elliott)
Location Map

West Side of the Capitol.

Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
Series: Views in Washington City.
No.: 1296
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Construction, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Farar Elliott)
Location Map

Ford's Theatre

Publisher: Holmes & Jarvis
Photographer: Holmes, D.R.
Subjects: Ford's Theatre, Washington D.C., Lincoln
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)
Location Map

President McKinley and Admiral Dewey Reviewing the Troops - Presentation of the Sword, Washington, D.C. Oct. 3, 1899.

Publisher: Keystone View Co.
Photographer: Singley, B.L. (Benjamin Lloyd)
No.: 10520
Subjects: Washington D.C., President, McKinley, Admiral Dewey
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Ford's Theatre.

Publisher: Bell & Bro.
Photographer: Bell & Bro. (Washington, D.C.)
Subjects: Theaters, Washington D.C., Lincoln
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)
Location Map

Views of the interior of the President's House (Great East Room.)

West Side of the Capitol.

Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
Series: Views in Washington City.
No.: 1296
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Construction, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Lance Wald)
Location Map

East Front of the Capitol.

Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
Series: Washington City Views.
No.: 1294
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Construction, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)
Location Map

West Side of the Capitol.

Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
Series: Views in Washington City.
No.: 1296
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Construction, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Fleming)
Location Map

West Side of the Capitol.

Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
Series: Views in Washington City.
No.: 1296
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Construction, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)
Location Map

Inauguration of U.S. Grant, March 4, 1873.

Photographer: Holmes, D.R.
Subjects: Ulysses S. Grant, President, Washington D.C., Inauguration
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)
Location Map

Grounds from the Agricultural Department, Washington D.C. U.S.A.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Distributor: Underwood & Underwood
Subjects: Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Lance Wald)

East Room, where Presidential Receptions are held (north toward front), White House, Washington, U.S.A.

Publisher: Underwood & Underwood
No.: 10
Subjects: White House, East Room, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)
Location Map

Washington Monument (555 ft. high) from N.W.) across one of the Fish Ponds, Washington, U.S.A..

Publisher: Underwood & Underwood
Distributor: Underwood & Underwood
Subjects: Washington Monument, Washington D.C., Monuments
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)
Location Map

An Air View of the Beautiful Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.

Publisher: Keystone View Co.
No.: 34085
Subjects: Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C., Lincoln
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Ford Theatre, in which Lincoln was shot, Washington, D.C.

Publisher: Keystone View Co.
No.: 16572
Subjects: Ford's Theatre, Washington D.C., Lincoln
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)
Location Map

Grounds from the Agricultural Department, Washington D.C. U.S.A.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Distributor: Underwood & Underwood
Subjects: Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)