Vast crowd before the Capitol at Wash. listening to Pres. Roosevelt's inaugural address, March 4, 1905

President Roosevelt delivering his delivering before a brilliant assemblage, his inaugural address as 27th [i.e. 26th] President of the U.S., Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

Theodore Roosevelt descending the east steps of the Capitol to take the oath as the 27th [i.e. 26th] President of the U.S., Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

By the will of the sovereign people - Chief Justice Fuller administers the oath of office to President Roosevelt, Washington, D.C.

Honoring Prince Henry--President Roosevelt, with Col. Bingham, going to German Embassy to return the Prince's call, Washington, U.S.A.

Admiral Dewey and officers of the Navy, in line at President Roosevelt's New Year reception, 1902, White House, Washington

President Roosevelt and Col. Bingham, leaving the German Embassy after returning Prince Henry's call, Washington, U.S.A.

President Roosevelt with Col. Bingham at German Embassy, to return official call upon Prince Henry

Pres. McKinley and his eight chosen advisors - Cabinet Room, Executive Mansion, Washington, D.C.

Grover Cleveland and Adlai Stevenson driving down Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, U.S.A. El Presidente Cleveland y Stevenson paseando en coche en la avenida de Pensilvania, Washington, E.U.A.

Grand review of the great veteran armies of Grant and Sherman at Washington, on the 23d and 24th May, 1865. Sherman's grand army. Looking up Pennsylvania Ave. from the Treasury Buildings, during the passage of the "Red Star" Division

Grand review of the great veteran armies of Grant and Sherman at Washington, on the 23d and 24th May, 1865. The Army of the Potomac. The stand in front of the President's house occupied by the President and cabinet, Grant and Sherman, and reviewing officers

Grand review of the great veteran armies of Grant and Sherman at Washington, on the 23d and 24th May, 1865. Sherman's grand army. Looking up Pennsylvania Avenue from the Treasury buildings. Maj. Gen. Slocum and staff and army of Georgia passing in review