One million six hundred thousand dollars, U.S. Treasury, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

[The Discovery, statue on the Rotunda portico, as seen from the east front steps of the U.S. Capitol]

U.S. House of Representatives in session, Hon. Joseph Cannon, Speaker of the House

[View from the west of the U.S. Capitol with reflection in body of water in the foreground and the U.S. Botanic Garden in the middle ground]

Opening ceremonies of the House of Representatives, Capitol Building, Washington, D.C.

[U.S. Capitol grounds, looking east with horse-drawn carriage in foreground]

Inspecting sheets of paper money, Bureau of Printing and Engraving, Washington, D. C.

Perforating rolls of postage stamps, Bureau of Printing and Engraving, Washington, D. C.