The gallant 14th U.S. Infantry leaving Peking--escorted to city limits by Gen. Chaffee and staff, China
Publisher: Underwood & Underwood
Subjects: United States,
Infantry Regiment,
Boxer Rebellion,
Military Personnel,
Infantry Regiment,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Marks of Chinese treachery--U.S. Legation Building (western facade) riddled by Chinese bullets, Peking, China
Y.M.C.A. rooms for soldiers of the allied armies--formerly a notorious dive--on the busiest street of Peking, China
6th U.S. Cavalry honoring Count Waldersee on his arrival--between Chien-men and Ta-ching-men Gates--Peking, China
Plowing a 300 acre field with 8 horse team, at the rate of 8 acres per day, Adams County, Washington
Kerckoff Dam on San Joaquin River, part of power project in the Sierra Nevada Mts., Calif.
The well in Legation Street that supplied the besieged Americans with water - Peking, China
Worthy his country's pride--America's Commander in China, in his headquarters court, Temple of Agriculture, Peking
Completed cream separator with milk and cream receptacles in position
Removing butter from the churn, Cohocton, N.Y.
Making automobile tops, Detroit, Mich.
Finishing (sand-papering) automobile wheels, Detroit, Mich.
Experts testing engines in an automobile plant, Detroit, Mich.
Cutting down the big trees - group of ax-men sitting in the undercut - Converse Basin, California
Ruins after the great fire of Oct. 1871, Chicago, seen from corner of Dearborn and Michigan, looking N.E.
[Ruins after the great fire of Oct. 1871, Chicago]
[Ruins after the great fire of Oct. 1871, Chicago]: Sherman House
[Ruins after the great fire of Oct. 1871, Chicago]: Pacific Hotel
[Ruins of Tribune House, after the great fire of Oct. 1871, Chicago]
[Ruins in Chicago, after the great fire of Oct. 1871 - two men standing in foreground, at] Northwest corner of Washington and LaSalle Sts.
Residence of Mahlon D. Ogden, Esq., Chicago, after the great fire of Oct. 1871
[Ruins after the great fire of Oct. 1871, Chicago - Mrs. O'Leary's residence]
Ruins after the great fire of Oct. 1871, Chicago - Sherman House
[Ruins after the great fire of Oct. 1871, Chicago - looking south on Wabash Ave. through the "Hole in the Wall"]
[Bookseller's Row, Chicago, after the great fire of Oct. 1871]
[Ruins at Union Depot, after the great fire of Oct. 1871, Chicago, showing wall and railroad cars]
[Ruins after the great fire of Oct. 1871, Chicago]: View from Hamsin St.
[Ruins after the great fire of Oct. 1871, Chicago]: Rush Medical College
LaSalle St. from Randolph