Gen. McPherson was killed at the small tree in the middle ground, showing a white square, July 22, 1864, Atlanta, Ga, Nov. 1864

Federal fort no. 13, new lines. Built after the occupation of the city, looking west toward no. 12, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 1864

Potter's House [i.e., Ponder House], on the lines N.W. of the city, showing the effect of shots, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 1864

View along the rebel line just east of the Western & Atlantic R.R., Potter's house in the middle ground, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 1864

View of large rebel fort east of W. & A. R.R. Potter's House in the right background, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 1864

View of large rebel fort east of W. & A. R.R. Potter's House in right background, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 1864

Reg't. Michigan Engineers & Mechanics destroying R.R. track in Atlanta. Ruins of the car shed to right hand

Fort McAllister, Ga. soon after it had been carried(?) by assault, Dec., 1864 from western glacis, showing ditch of the land front