Decorative splendors of the Entrance Hall of the great Congressional Library, Washington, U.S.A.

Across the main gallery, a vision in polished and sculptured stone, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

The Magnificent new Congressional Library -- the most spacious book repository in the world, Washington, U.S.A.

Washington's mansion, now the Hillman House, Washington, D.C. -- One square from the Capitol & Baltimore & Ohio Depot Former mansion of George Washington, built and occupied by him in 1776. Remodeled and opened as a hotel by N.J. Hillman in 1876.

U.S. Government Buildings -- Patent Office

The District of Columbia Vols.--returning from Cuba--marching to the President's mansion

The pride of the Nation - West Point cadets in martial array before U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

Soldiers of the First Division enjoying a watermelon feast near the Union Station, Washington, D.C.

A social chat with the President and Admiral - before leaving the reviewing stand - U.S. Capitol steps

President McKinley and Admiral Dewey -- reviewing the soldiers and sailors -- from the U.S. Capitol steps

Opening prayer by Dr. Butler - President McKinley and Admiral Dewey - Sword presentation ceremony

President McKinley and Admiral Dewey -- reviewing the soldiers and sailors -- from the U.S. Capitol steps