Father Ralle's [Rasles] monument at Indian Old Point, [Norridgewock, Me.]

Old Point, Norridgewock, Somerset County, Maine. (Monument in memory of Rev. Sebastian Rale [Rasles]).

The stone pile that marks the grave of the Gardner family, massacared in 1857 and the cabin in the background.

National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, Illinois. View from a point slightly east of north from the Monument, and across a ravine running east and west through Oak Ridge Cemetery.

National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, Illinois. View from a point slightly east of north from the Monument, and across a ravine running east and west through Oak Ridge Cemetery.

National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, Illinois. View from a point slightly east of north from the Monument, and across a ravine running east and west through Oak Ridge Cemetery.

Marshal Joffre, [Ex-Premier] Viviani, [Admiral] Chocheprat and [Lieut. Col.] Jean Fabry - French War Commission - with Gov. Lowden and State officials at tomb of Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois. [May 7, 1917]

Memorial building erected by the Soldiers' Monument Ass'n of Aurora, Ill., A.D. 1877-78.